FSK Lions Club Medical Equipment Program

We will serve as a conduit for those with medical equipment to share to get it into the hands of those who need it.  We will ensure that all equipment is clean, disinfected, and in good working order when it is picked up.

The FSK Lions used medical equipment program will provide wheelchairs, knee scooters, walkers, rollators, bedside commodes, shower chairs, crutches, and canes.

Those with equipment no longer needed can contact our program through the club’s website (www.fsklions.org) or email us at the email address provided below or the regional Lions Clubs website at https://mdlions22w.org . Just find the tab “Medical Equipment” and then FSK Lions Club. Citizens needing equipment in the Frederick area can use the same web address to get help.  Anyone needing equipment can contact our program members through the FSK Lions Club and have it the next day. Recipients are expected to pick up the equipment themselves, but in certain situations, the Lions can help with that. Recipients can use the equipment for as long as they need but are expected to eventually return it so the Lions can lend it again.

We also collect used hearing aids in our Eyeglass recycling boxes.

Other Lions Clubs serving the immediate area with used medical equipment include Boonsboro, Funkstown, Hagerstown, Libertytown-Unionville, Mount Airy, New Windsor, Smithsburg, Taneytown, Union Bridge, Williamsport, and more. Potential clients are encouraged to contact the Lions Club closest to them.  

Point of Contact: Lion Ellen Bennett at 301-606-5665 or via email below. Sometimes our responses end up going to the SPAM/JUNK folders. Clients, please check  your Spam/Junk folders if you have not seen a reply from us.

Medical Equipment information, comments and/or inquiries send an e-mail to
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